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MacMini 2018
I am a Mac user for quite some time now and I was always happy this way. Apple managed it to deliver a combination from operating system and hardware that is stable, secure and easy to use (even for non IT-guys) but also has a ...
category: global --> Computer --> Apple
tags: Apple - MacMini - OSX and MacOS
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2019-02-26
Worauf es beim Homepage-Layout ankommt
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Worauf es beim Homepage-Layout ankommt
Hat man erst einmal die ersten Hürde
category: global
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-07-17
Custom Caching in Morphium
since the first version of Morphium it provided an internal cache for all Entities maked with the annotation Cache
. This cache was configured mainly via those annotations.
This cache has proven its usefulness in countless projects and the s
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium
tags: cache - Java - MongoDB - Morphium
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-05-20
MongoDB Messaging via Morphium
One of the many advantages of Morphium is the integrate messaging system. This is used for synchronizing the caches in a clustered environment for example. It is part of Morphium for quite some time, it was introduced with one of the first r
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium
tags: Java - programming - Morphium
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-05-06
New Release Morphium 3.2.0Beta2 - Java Mongo Pojo Mapper
a new pre-release of morphium is available now V3.2.0Beta2. This one includes a lot of minor bugfixes and one big feature: Messaging now uses the Oplogmonitor when connected to a Replicaset. This means, no polling anymore and the system g
category: global --> Computer --> programming --> MongoDB --> morphium
tags: MongoDB - POJO - Java - MongoDB - Morphium
creator Stephan Bösebeck 2018-05-02